“Music opens the channels of learning.” ~ Doc Meek

Rex Lewis-Clack, 13 years old, was born blind. He was born so brain damaged, his Mother, Catheen Lewis, was told he would never talk or walk. There was no hope.
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5 minutes A Musical Savant Shows Talent    by CBS 244,773 views


15 minutes Catching Up With Rex by CBS 88,713 views

Images from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCF1xSgyKXg&feature=relmfu

Friday, March 18, 2011. Today I am grateful to know that a child who was labeled severely autistic was found later to respond to music, even though he was super senstive to sounds and would hold his ears when exposed to singing.

Of course every autistic child does not grow up to be a musical genius. That is not the point of this article.

I use music in my private practice (Baroque music, about 60 beats per minute) to help open the channels of learning for children with a large array of learning problems.

Sometimes  the music is simply background music in a classroom that helps almost every child in that classroom to learn more easily and achieve more.

Thanks to those who know, and who have taught us, that music opens the mind and soul!

Doc Meek, Fri, Mar 18, 2011, Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA

P.S. Here’s the book about Rex Lewis-Clack by his mother Cathleen Lewis:

Product Details
Rex: A Mother, Her Autistic Child, and the Music that Transformed Their Lives
– Hardcover (Oct. 28, 2008) byCathleen Lewis

P.S.S. Somebody told me that it is the “Ides of March” today. I know the reference is to Shakespeare and I do not know the full import of the phrase.

Can anybody “out there” give us some more information on the “Ides of March?”

2 Responses to ““Music opens the channels of learning.” ~ Doc Meek”

  • From: Mafile’o Latu Hafoka
    Hey Doc! Thanks for [adding me as a Friend on Facebook]. I was so interested about the piece on your website regarding Rex Lewis-Clack. I graduated from BYU in music, studying piano with Dr. Irene Peery-Fox and have always been interested in music. I now teach privately and have been amazed what learning to play classical music can do for children with some kind of disability. I’m going to have to go back to your website now! Thank you and take care!


  • Hi Le’o,
    So nice to hear of your interest in music, and especially its helpfulness to children with learning difficulties. I’d really like you to write a quick little paragraph or article we could post on THE LEARNING CLINIC WORLDWIDE blog. Would you do that for the kids? Regardless of that, let’s stay in touch, eh? – Doc Meek, https://docmeek.com/

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